Types of Proposals & Recommendations
Operational Execution

Process review
Operational roadmaps
ROI analysis
Prioritization methodology

Competitive Analysis

Business cases
Strategic plans

Product Process

Data & analytic delivery
Agile and Kanban process
Project/Project management
Portfolio prioritization

Structure & Scale

Mergers & acquisition
Staff restructuring & realignments
Service level planning

Work Well Digital can deliver all of the following: Operational plans, roadmaps (Product and Process), restructuring recommendations, process change ideas, benchmark analysis, pricing structures, business cases, strategic plans, and new revenue ideas.

Engagement deliverables:

• Summary proposal document — a “north star” operational plan
• Execution prioritization analysis based on Return on Investment
• Detailed roadmap — timeline and sequencing of recommendations
• Benefit analysis of each plan component

Other potential deliverables:

• M&A – Operational restructuring to accommodate acquisitions
• Implementation of recommendation as phase two work
• Strategic operating & growth plans
• Business cases & Industry benchmarking